
Terms and Conditions of Use set forth below are a legal agreement applied to usage of AI-generated photos between users of (hereinafter referred to as “photoAC”) and ACworks Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”), the owner and operator of photoAC. By using photoAC, users shall be deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions hereof. In the case where users do not agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use, users may not use photoAC。

Downloading and Using AI-generated photos

  1. A user who downloaded AI-generated photos may freely alter, edit and use the AI-generated photos for any purposes, including commercial purpose. A user may freely use the downloaded AI-generated photos not only for its own use but also for furnishing to business partners, for educational purposes, or to use the same as part of components of printed matter such as advertisements and pamphlets, multimedia content, including websites, etc., and movies, games and software, etc.
    However, the following methods of use are prohibited. Please pay attention as methods of use in breach of the prohibited matters constitute infringement of the copyrights of the Company.
    • (1) It is not permitted to use AI-generated photos in pornography or illegal or any other immoral purposes or to use AI-generated photos for the purpose of presenting recommended products and/or services such as “Voices from Customers”.
    • (3) AI-generated photos may not be used in relation to articles, movies, advertisements and publicities, etc., which have illegal, false or defaming content.
    • (4) AI-generated photos may not be used in a manner against public order and good morals or for the purpose of furnishing to the business and activities against public order and good morals. AI-generated photos may not be used on covers, packages, articles, movies, advertisements and publicities and in any other manner in relation to adult magazines and adult films (regardless of the media, including DVDs, CD-ROMs, or websites, etc.), whether or not they are against public order and good morals. They may not be used in articles, movies, advertisements and publicities and in any other manner in relation to pornography and adult entertainment (refer to any matters related to sex culture, regardless of whether they are legal, illegal, for profit or nonprofit, individuals or corporations and in any other manner).
    • (5) It is not permitted to distribute (sell, lease, distribute freely, rent freely) the AI-generated photos as an independent transaction subject as they are or after processing, or furnishing the same by using public transmission (transmission using websites on the Internet or broadcasting, etc.) whether it is for profit or nonprofit purpose.
    • (6) AI-generated photos may not be used in a manner disturbing publication of AI-generated photos of the Company.
    • (7) It is not permitted to use the AI-generated photos or the secondary works, containing processed AI-generated photos data as the main content in the products (refer to but not limited to calendars, jigsaw puzzles, etc.), to publish or send the same via the Internet and by any other similar method, and to distribute by incorporating the same into software and/or hardware (for example, use for greeting card services and AI-generated photos download services, etc., on the Internet, distribution through incorporation into a standby screen of mobile phones, incorporation as material samples of application software, etc., and incorporation into screen savers, etc.). It is also not permitted to provide printing services, etc., by incorporating the same into hardware, software, etc., as a AI-generated photos.
    • (8) It is not permitted to register the AI-generated photos as a trademark.
    • (9) It is not permitted to download 51 or more AI-generated photos per day.
  2. It is not permitted to use the photoAC service to generate images identical or similar to the physical appearance of a real person or the copyrighted work of a third party.
  3. Some of the AI-generated photos on photoAC might be subject to copyrights, property rights and trademark rights, etc., of third parties and the consent or license of these rights by third parties might be required. The Company does not represent or warrant that the Company owns the above rights or grants licenses or does not grant them. It is the responsibility of users and a person who uploads the AI-generated photos to confirm that all rights, consents and licenses required for use of AI-generated photos are obtained.

Amendment of Terms and Conditions of Use

  1. 本公司有權自行決定在任何時候修改本使用條款。
  2. 本公司沒有義務向使用者通知本條款的修改。除本公司額外規定的情況外,修改後的使用條款將在本網站上公佈後即時生效。如果使用者在本條款修訂生效後使用本網站,則被視為同意所有修訂後的條款。


  1. The Company shall not make any warranty of the legality of the AI-generated photos provided by photoAC.
  2. The Company shall not be liable for any failures and accidents, etc., that might arise due to the use of AI-generated photos as well.
  3. The Company shall not assume any liability for ordinary damages, punitive damages, special damages, indirect damages, consequential damages or incidental damages or loss of profits and any other damages, costs or losses arising from the use of photoAC or the use of the AI-generated photos on the photoAC to users, other persons or entities.
  4. The Company may close photoAC or terminate services at any time without notice. In such a case, The Company shall not assume any liability for the damages incurred by users thereby.


  1. 使用者不得將本公司的權利或對本公司的義務向任何第三方進行轉讓、轉移、提供擔保或作任何其他處置。
  2. 因違反本條款而給公司造成損失時,使用者應立即賠償損失。
  3. 本網站向使用者發出的通知,將通過諸如書面、電子郵件(郵件雜誌)、網站公告等本公司認為合理的通訊方式進行。通知在通過電子郵件或通過在本網站上發布的情況下,將被視為已送達使用者。
  4. 本公司有權對本網站的規格進行變更,包括改進、增加、刪除等。使用者將事先同意該等變更。
  5. 本公司不會對使用者通過本網站內的連結訪問的網站承擔任何責任。即便本網站內出現了某一連結,也不意味著該連結的目的地與本公司之間存在關聯或業務合作等關係。
  6. 即使本使用條款和使用條件的任何部分被法律或法規認定為非法、無效或不可執行,本使用使用條款的任何其他規定仍應繼續有效。
  7. 本網站的使用、條款條件以日本法律為依據。
  8. 因為使用本網站、本網站儲存的模板、或從本網站下載並使用的模板而產生的糾紛,將以大阪地方法院為第一審專屬管轄法院。